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- document_id_number XXXX-XXXX-9852
- name Sandeep Sharma
- address 104/159, Vijay Path 104/159, , Mansarovar, Jaipur, Rajasthan, 302020
- pincode 302020
- state Rajasthan
- nationality INDIAN
- date_of_birth 10/10/1989
- gender Male
- document_id_number ABCD12345Z
- name Sandeep Sharma
- parent_or_spouse RAMESH SHARMA
- date_of_birth 10/10/1989
- certificate_no PLKBCUA
- pan_number PLKBC1234L
- last_updated 12-Jul-2018
- assessment_year 2018-19
- period_w_employer 01-Apr-201731-Mar-2018
- name_address_employer TALENTPACE PRIVATE LIMITED 148 -b, , Horizon View, Raheja Complex, Seven Banglows, Andheri (west) Mumbai, Maharashtra - 400061 +91 - 222634172
- name_address_employee John Doe 148 -b, , Horizon View, Raheja Complex, Seven Banglows, Andheri (west) Mumbai, Maharashtra - 400061
- status Individual
- itr_type ITR-4 (Acknowledgement)
- name_of_customer John Doe
- town_name JUNAGADH
- state_name GUJARAT
- pan_number CWDJJ9118E
- gross_salary 791891
- deduction 160000
- net_salary 631890
- current_year_loss 0
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- exempt_income1 6585
- acknowledgement_no 487849391081016
- date 08-10-2016
- assessment_year 2016-17
- name_of_customer MS. NANCY DUBEY
- email
- ifsc_code BANK789DC901
- stmt_date From 01/05/2020 To 29/05/2020
- document_id_number JOHNDO764116JD9IJ 48
- name JOHN Christopher
- surname DOE
- place_of_birth UNITED KINGDOM
- date_of_birth 11.03.1976
- issuing_authority DVLA
- address 01 2023 8 EDINBURGH EH1 9GP
- document_id_number 123456789
- date_of_issue 15 MAR 00
- date_of_expiry 15 MAR 10
- name JOHN DOE
- nationality BRITISH CITIZEN
- place_of_birth WEST HAM LONDON
- date_of_birth 27 JAN 37
- issuing_authority GBR
- gender Female
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- nama sukhvinder singh
- tempat_tgl_lahir mulan,28-05-2000
- jenis_kelamin lak-lak
- alamat sukhwani park road block d.2 no.1
- kel_desa pondok kacang timur
- kecamatan pondok aren
- agama islam
- status_perkawinan belum kawin
- pekerjaan pelajar mahasiswa
- kewarganegaraan wne
- berlaku_hingga seumur hidup
- document_id_number C668668(E)
- date_of_issue 15-09-18
- name JOHN,Doe
- date_of_birth 01-01-1988
- gender Female
- date_of_issue 23 AUG 2005
- name JOHN DOE
- date_of_birth 27 JUN 1977
- gender Male
- date_of_expiry 23 AUG 2010
- employer_name Tiki Taki Pvt. Ltd. Ti
- employees_ssn 786-98-8976
- borrower_first_name Ajinkya
- borrower_last_name Bhalero
- borrower_first_name John
- borrower_last_name Doe
- borrower_street_address 123 Eagle Rd
- borrower_city Wayne
- borrower_state PA
- borrower_zipcode 12345-3210
- bank_name Capital One Bank
- account_number 123456789
- account_type Combined
- applicant_first_name John
- applicant_last_name Doe
- applicant_ssn 123-12-1234
* The image shown above is for illustration purpose only.
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"resulting_balance": "$3,683.68" }, { "date": "02/05/2018", "description": "card purchase -wine and spirits 4608 bryn mawr pa $", "amount": "39.14", "resulting_balance": "$3,644.54" }, { "date": "02/06/2018", "description": "withdrawal from salliemaebank smbpayment $", "amount": "203.86", "resulting_balance": "$3,440.68" }, { "date": "02/06/2018", "description": "debit card purchase -wine and spirits 2306 wayne,pa us $", "amount": "11.65", "resulting_balance": "$3,429.03" }, { "date": "02/06/2018", "description": "money sent to zachary brody", "amount": "$120.00", "resulting_balance": "$3,409.03" }, { "date": "02/08/2018", "description": "debit card purchase -sunoco 0425760613 qps wayne pa $", "amount": "20.81", "resulting_balance": "$3,388.22" }, { "date": "02/09/2018", "description": "atm withdrawal -pnc bank philadelphia,pa us $", "amount": "30.00", "resulting_balance": "$3,358.22" }, { "date": "02/11/2018", "description": "debit card purchase - braxton's animal works wayne,pa us $", "amount": "7.30", "resulting_balance": "$3,350.92" }, { "date": "02/11/2018", "description": "debit card purchase -giant 6507 st davids,pa us $", "amount": "9.66", "resulting_balance": "$3,341.26" }, { "date": "02/12/2018", "description": "debit card purchase-kitchen kapers - wayne wayne,pa us $", "amount": "21.19", "resulting_balance": "$3,320.07" }, { "date": "02/12/2018", "description": "debit card purchase -lancaster farm fresh c lancaster pa $", "amount": "14.00", "resulting_balance": "$3,306.07" }, { "date": "02/12/2018", "description": "debit card purchase -sunoco 0364128844 qps philadelphia pa $", "amount": "11.02", "resulting_balance": "$3,295.05" }, { "date": "02/12/2018", "description": "debit card purchase -tmobile postpaid web 800 937 0097 wa $", "amount": "171.94", "resulting_balance": "$3,123.11" }, { "date": "02/13/2018", "description": "withdrawal from allstate ins coins prem $", "amount": "93.24", "resulting_balance": "$3,029.87" }, { "date": "02/13/2018", "description": "atm withdrawal -paliso philadelphia,pa us $", "amount": "21.95", "resulting_balance": "$3,007.92" }, { "date": "02/13/2018", "description": "debit card purchase -shell oil 10000375013 philadelphia pa $", "amount": "25.35", "resulting_balance": "$2,982.57" }, { "date": "02/13/2018", "description": "debit card purchase -cvs/pharmacy# 01 01282 ardmore,pa us $", "amount": "19.41", "resulting_balance": "$2,963.16" }, { "date": "02/14/2018", "description": "withdrawal to td bank,na checking account xxxxx0195 $", "amount": "2,190.00", "resulting_balance": "$773.16" }, { "date": "02/14/2018", "description": "debit card purchase -haaretz daily newspape tel aviv yaf $", "amount": "1.00", "resulting_balance": "$772.16" }, { "date": "02/14/2018", "description": "debit card purchase -schc 60092164philadelphia pa $", "amount": "8.80", "resulting_balance": "$763.36" }, { "date": "02/14/2018", "description": "debit card purchase -st christophers gshop philadelphia $", "amount": "3.66", "resulting_balance": "$759.70" }, { "date": "02/15/2018", "description": "preauthorized withdrawal to td bank,na checking account $ xxxxx0194", "amount": "509.00", "resulting_balance": "$250.70" }, { "date": "02/16/2018", "description": "withdrawal from aqua util paymt $", "amount": "60.85", "resulting_balance": "$1,576.02" }, { "date": "02/16/2018", "description": "debit card purchase -schc 60092388 philadelphia pa $", "amount": "5.04", "resulting_balance": "$1,570.98" }, { "date": "02/16/2018", "description": "debit card purchase -conoco belmont bala cynwyd pa debit $", "amount": "38.30", "resulting_balance": "$1,532.68" }, { "date": "02/16/2018", "description": "card purchase -wine and spirits 2306 wayne,pa us $", "amount": "15.89", "resulting_balance": "$1,516.79" }, { "date": "02/03/2018", "description": "debit card money receivedwl03120 via bdb*allstate", "amount": "$2,190.29", "resulting_balance": "$4,238.52", "negative_sign_not_detected": true }, { "date": "02/03/2018", "description": "debit card money receivedwl03003 via bdb*allstate", "amount": "$263.94", "resulting_balance": "$4,502.46", "negative_sign_not_detected": true }, { "date": "02/18/2018", "description": "debit card purchase -cvs/pharmacy# 10 10825 plymouth $ meet,pa", "amount": "27.85", "resulting_balance": "$1,488.94" }, { "date": "02/18/2018", "description": "debit card purchase -schc 60092112 philadelphia pa $", "amount": "6.45", "resulting_balance": "$1,482.49" }, { "date": "02/18/2018", "description": "atm withdrawal -pnc bank wayne,pa us $", "amount": "30.00", "resulting_balance": "$1,452.49" }, { "date": "02/20/2018", "description": "withdrawal from planet fit club fees $", "amount": "22.06", "resulting_balance": "$1,430.43" }, { "date": "02/20/2018", "description": "withdrawal from salliemaebank smbpayment $", "amount": "25.00", "resulting_balance": "$1,405.43" }, { "date": "02/20/2018", "description": "withdrawal from kmf $", "amount": "413.85", "resulting_balance": "$991.58" }, { "date": "02/20/2018", "description": "debit card purchase -paola s wayne pa $", "amount": "17.99", "resulting_balance": "$973.59" }, { "date": "02/20/2018", "description": "debit card purchase -comcast 800 comcast nj $", "amount": "162.04", "resulting_balance": "$811.55" }, { "date": "02/21/2018", "description": "atm withdrawal -pnc bank wayne,pa us $", "amount": "80.00", "resulting_balance": "$731.55" }, { "date": "02/21/2018", "description": "debit card purchase -schc 60092174 philadelphia pa $", "amount": "5.45", "resulting_balance": "$726.10" }, { "date": "02/22/2018", "description": "debit card purchase -schc 60092104 philadelphia pa $", "amount": "4.45", "resulting_balance": "$721.65" }, { "date": "02/22/2018", "description": "debit card purchase -wawa 8070 00140705 upper darby pa $", "amount": "31.40", "resulting_balance": "$690.25" }, { "date": "02/23/2018", "description": "debit card purchase -homegoods 550 e lancas saint davids, $", "amount": "12.70", "resulting_balance": "$677.55" }, { "date": "02/23/2018", "description": "debit card purchase -schc 60092137 philadelphia pa $", "amount": "1.72", "resulting_balance": "$675.83" }, { "date": "02/23/2018", "description": "debit card purchase -schc 60092134philadelphia pa $", "amount": "4.69", "resulting_balance": "$671.14" }, { "date": "02/24/2018", "description": "debit card purchase -moms bryn mawr,pa us $", "amount": "27.57", "resulting_balance": "$643.57" }, { "date": "02/25/2018", "description": "debit card purchase -cvs/pharmacy# 00 00370 wayne,pa us $", "amount": "30.17", "resulting_balance": "$613.40" }, { "date": "02/27/2018", "description": "withdrawal from fedloanservicing stdnt loan $", "amount": "121.78", "resulting_balance": "$791.62" }, { "date": "02/28/2018", "description": "withdrawal from pecoenergy util bil $", "amount": "477.39", "resulting_balance": "$314.23" }, { "date": "02/26/2018", "description": "withdrawal to ing checking xxxxx1234 $", "amount": "300.00", "resulting_balance": "$312.53" } ], "confidence": "" } }
{ "result": { "applicant_first_name": { "value": "John", "confidence": "98.00000" }, "applicant_middle_name": { "value": "", "confidence": "99.00000" }, "applicant_last_name": { "value": "Doe", "confidence": "97.00000" }, "applicant_ssn": { "value": "123-12-1234", "confidence": "98.00000" } } }
* The image shown above is for illustration purpose only.
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